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Pagination with editable table Ready

This template shows how to build a more complex pagination with editable table, values stored in URL hash and state keeping on reload

Hint: Press F on your keyboard to view both templates and components in fullscreen and ESC to exit the fullscreen mode. You can also open the template in a new browser window.

Open in new window
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="duet-bg-gradient duet-sticky-footer" lang="fi">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-5JYmtSD7nykpUvSmTW1CHMoBDkBZUpUmG0vuh+NUVtZag3F75Kr7+/JU3J7JV6Wq" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-wDs2jncW8Cx05wCmC63VPWf+LNs6zl5HoVGzkWKyrvLzkOkoly9PEA6YKluhz/01" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-7+5ZzVlpstuRULythk9AjF5A5RTVVm+QM/dzBlKwfAy7IknFG9yq5pMPypcvJHBD" crossorigin="anonymous" />
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.duet-table-action-row.content-editable td:not(:last-child) {
border: 1px solid red;

.example-menu {
text-align: right;

.example-menu ul {
padding: 0 1rem;

.example-menu li {
display: inline-block;
list-style: none;
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 0 1rem;

.example-menu {
min-width: 100px;
text-align: right;

.pagination-menu {
display: grid;
grid-auto-flow: column;
grid-auto-columns: minmax(300px, 600px) minmax(100px, 300px) minmax(100px, 150px);
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
gap: 0 0;
grid-template-areas: "pager ranger select";
justify-content: start;
align-content: center;
justify-items: baseline;
align-items: center;
.pagination-menu duet-pagination {
grid-area: pager;
justify-self: start;
align-self: center;
width: 100%;
.pagination-menu duet-range-stepper {
justify-self: end;
align-self: center;
grid-area: ranger;
.pagination-menu duet-select {
justify-self: end;
align-self: center;
grid-area: select;
@media only screen and (max-width: 48em) {
.pagination-menu {
display: block;
duet-range-stepper {
display: none;
duet-select {
display: none !important;
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-heading level="h1" visual-level="h3">Duet-editable-table with Duet-pagination</duet-heading>

<duet-editable-table margin="auto" sticky sticky-distance="none" variation="striped" sortable>
<div class="example-menu" slot="thead-first">
<ul role="menubar">
<li role="menuitem">
accessible-label="Download the table as a CSV file"

Download as CSV
<li role="menuitem">
accessible-label="Copy the data to you Clipboard as csv"

<li role="menuitem" class="menu-select">
label="which types to show in table"
<div class="pagination-menu" slot="tfoot">
<duet-pagination take="5" visible-items="5" total="1000"></duet-pagination>
<duet-select label-hidden label="select range" value="5" variation="tiny" id="pagination-take"></duet-select>
<duet-paragraph> </duet-paragraph>

const dayInMS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const today = new Date()
const localeDate = daysFromToday => (new Date(today.getTime() + (dayInMS * daysFromToday))).toLocaleDateString("fi")

const open = [
number: "1-first",
dueDate: localeDate(-20),
amount: "63,92\xa0€",
paid: false,
paymentDate: localeDate(-10)

for (i = 2; i < 22; i++) {
number: i,
dueDate: localeDate(i * 2),
paid: false,
amount: (30 + Math.round(Math.random() * 100)) + ",00\xa0€",
paymentDate: ""

const paid = []

for (i = 1; i < 102; i++) {
number: 21 + i,
dueDate: localeDate(i * -11),
paid: true,
amount: ((30 + (Math.random() * 100)).toFixed(2) + "\xa0€").replace(".", ",")

const allItems = [, ...paid]

console.log("Item Counts", "all", allItems.length, "open", open.length, "paid", paid.length);
// Save a reference to the elements
const eTable = document.querySelector("duet-editable-table");

// defined actions - if this is not defined, the table will not have any actions
eTable.actions = [
"icon": "action-edit-2",
"color": "primary",
"name": "edit",
"size": "x-small",
"background": "gray-lightest",
"label": {
"fi": "Muokkaa luokkaa",
"en": "Edit category",
"sv": "Redigera kategori",
"icon": "action-delete",
"color": "danger",
"name": "delete",
"size": "x-small",
"background": "gray-lightest",
"label": {
"fi": "Poista",
"en": "Delete",
"sv": "Radera",

//defined columns, if this is set, rows must also be defined for this to have an affect
eTable.columns = [
sort_order: 1, direction: 1, index: 0, key: "number",
label: {
"en": "#",
"fi": "#",
"sv": "#",
sort_order: 2, direction: -1, index: 1, key: "dueDate",
label: {
"fi": "Due date",
"en": "Due date",
"sv": "Due date",
direction: 1, index: 2, key: "amount",
label: {
"fi": "Amount",
"en": "Amount",
"sv": "Amount",
direction: 1, index: 3, key: "paymentDate",
label: {
"fi": "Paid date",
"en": "Paid date",
"sv": "Paid date",

eTable.addEventListener("duetActionEvent", function(e) {

//quick demonstration of how to delete items from the rows array
console.log("Event received from duet-table: ", e.detail);
if (e.detail.action === "delete") {
eTable.rows = => !== ? item : null).filter(item => item);
//quick demonstration of how to create the beginnings of a table with edit capabilities
if (e.detail.action === "edit") {
const currentRow = eTable.querySelectorAll("tbody tr")[e.detail.meta.index];
currentRow.contentEditable = true;

// function that sorts an array (in this case table.rows) by columns in descending order

function fieldSorter(fields) {
return function(a, b) {
return fields
.map(function(o) {
let dir = 1;
if (o[0] === "-") {
dir = -1;
o = o.substring(1);
if (a[o] > b[o]) return dir;
if (a[o] < b[o]) return -(dir);
return 0;
.reduce(function firstNonZeroValue(p, n) {
return p ? p : n;
}, 0);

//change the sort order of a specific column
function setSortOrder({ order, direction, index, column }) {
const newArray = => {
if (item.key === column) {
// set sort_order to 0, which is ignored in the component as undefined
item.sort_order = 0;
// flip direction asc->desc and desc->asc
item.direction = item.direction === -1 ? 1 : -1;
return item;
// sort the array by sort_order thereby getting a 0,1,3,4,x sequence
// reset that sequence to a 1,2,3,4 situation and ignore anything where sort order was not defined
.map((item, i) => {
if (item.sort_order || item.sort_order === 0) {
item.sort_order = i + 1;
return item;

eTable.columns = newArray;


// Listen for toggle events
eTable.addEventListener("duetTableToggle", function(e) {
console.log("Event received from duet-table: ", e.detail);
order: e.detail.sort_order,
direction: e.detail.direction,
index: e.detail.index,
column: e.detail.key,
// Save a reference to the above pagination components
const selectTake = document.getElementById("pagination-take")
const selectInvoice = document.getElementById("invoice-type")
const pagination = document.querySelector("duet-pagination")

let urlTake = getHash(location.hash, "take") || "5"
let urlType = getHash(location.hash, "type") || "all"
let currPage = getHash(location.hash, "page") || "1"

// Set select menu items and their values
selectTake.items = [
{ label: "5", value: "5"},
{ label: "10", value: "10" },
{ label: "15", value: "15" }

// Set select menu items and their values
selectInvoice.items = [
{ label: "all", value: "all"},
{ label: "paid", value: "paid" },
{ label: "open", value: "open" }

// try to get current page from url
pagination.setAttribute("current", currPage)

// Listen for change events in the select
selectTake.addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Change event detected in select:", e.detail)
location.hash = setHash(location.hash,"take", e.detail.value)


// Listen for change events in the select
selectInvoice.addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Change event detected in select (invoice type):", e.detail)
location.hash = setHash(location.hash,"type", e.detail.value)


// Listen for change events in the pager
pagination.addEventListener("duetPageChange", function (e) {
console.log("Change event detected in pagination:", e.detail)
location.hash = setHash(location.hash,"page", e.detail.current)

//javascript functions thatuses filtering and string ops to manipulate any hashes given
function getHash(hash, key) {
return hash
.find((h) => h.startsWith(key))
?.replace(`${key}=`, "");
function setHash(hash, key, value) {
let hashArray = hash.split("#").filter((h) => !h.startsWith(key));
return hashArray.length > 0
? hashArray.reduce((s1, s2) => `${s1}#${s2}`)
: "";
function deleteHash(hash, key) {
let hashArray = hash.split("#").filter((h) => !h.startsWith(key));
return hashArray.length > 0
? hashArray.reduce((s1, s2) => `${s1}#${s2}`)
: "";

//simple function that uses the URL HASH as a "store" for values and states
function getTypeItem(){
// try to get defined itms from url
urlTake = getHash(location.hash, "take") || "5"
urlType = getHash(location.hash, "type") || "all"
currPage = getHash(location.hash, "page") || "1"

selectTake.setAttribute("value", urlTake)
selectInvoice.setAttribute("value", urlType)
pagination.setAttribute("take", urlTake)
pagination.setAttribute("current", currPage)

const take = Number( urlTake)
const page = Number(currPage) -1 // page starts at 1
const type = urlType

let items = []
if(type === "all"){
if(type === "paid"){
if(type === "open"){

let from = page*take
let to = from + take

const maxPages = Math.ceil(items.length / take)
// if our page counter is higher than the selection that we're working with, assume you want to "jump to the end" of the collection
if(page >= maxPages) {
location.hash = setHash(location.hash,"page", maxPages)
return getTypeItem()

eTable.rows =items.slice(from, to) = items.length;
pagination.take = take;

return {
rows: items.slice(from, to),
total: items.length,

//Run once for initial state


To install this template’s dependencies into your project, run:

npm install @duetds/components
npm install @duetds/css
npm install @duetds/fonts

For further guidelines, please see each package’s documentation.


Follow these practical tutorials to learn how to build simple page layouts using Duet’s CSS Framework, Web Components and other features:


Building Layouts


Using CLI Tools


Creating Custom Patterns


Server Side Rendering


Sharing Prototypes


Usage With Markdown


If you experience any issues while using a template, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and help.