Header Ready
Header is used to display the logo, primary navigation and utility menus. It’s always visible at the top of the interface and can be configured to show just the logo and a back link.
Header contains your application’s primary navigation items that perform an action when clicked. Each action in the header should navigate to a href or trigger another action like a Modal overlay.
Examples #
<duet-header language="fi"></duet-header>
// Select the above navigation component
var header = document.querySelector("duet-header")
// Set label and href for session link
header.session = {
label: "Kirjaudu sisään",
href: "/?login",
type: "login",
contact="Ota yhteyttä"
{ "label": "Etusivu","href": "/" },
{ "label": "Vakuutukset", "href": "#" },
{ "label": "Vahinkoasiat", "href": "#" },
{ "label": "Säästöt ja sijoitukset", "href": "#" },
{ "label": "Laskut", "href": "#", "badge": true },
{ "label": "Viestit", "href": "#" }
{ "label": "Suomeksi", "country": "fi", "href": "/?lang=fi" },
{ "label": "På Svenska", "country": "sv", "href": "/?lang=sv" },
{ "label": "In English", "country": "en", "href": "/?lang=en" }
{ "label": "Lähetä viesti", "href": "/viestit/laheta" },
{ "label": "Avaa chat", "href": "/chat/" },
{ "label": "Yhteystiedot", "href": "/yhteystiedot/", "external": true }
session='{ "label": "Kirjaudu ulos", "href": "/?logout", "type": "logout" }'
user='{ "label": "Elina", "href": "/?userId=elina" }'
{ "label": "Suomeksi", "country": "fi", "href": "/?lang=fi" },
{ "label": "På Svenska", "country": "sv", "href": "/?lang=sv" },
{ "label": "In English", "country": "en", "href": "/?lang=en" }
session='{ "label": "Kirjaudu ulos", "href": "/?logout", "type": "logout" }'
duet-header {
position: static;
<div class="duet-example-without-padding">
contact="Ota yhteyttä"
<duet-breadcrumb href="#" icon="damage-home"></duet-breadcrumb>
<duet-breadcrumb href="#">Edut ja kampanjat</duet-breadcrumb>
<duet-breadcrumb href="#">LähiTapiola Pirkanmaa</duet-breadcrumb>
description="Tällä sivulla näet vakuutuksiisi liittyvät laskut. Voit myös
vaihtaa e-laskutukseen klikkaamalla alta."
button-label="Vaihda e-laskutukseen"
// Select the above navigation component
var header = document.querySelector("duet-header")
// Set the main navigation items
header.items = [
{ label: "Henkilöasiakkaat", href: "#", active: true, items: [
{ label: "Vakuutukset", href: "#", active: true, items: [
{ label: "Ajoneuvot", href: "#", icon: "category-car" },
{ label: "Koti", href: "#", icon: "category-apartment" },
{ label: "Terveys", href: "#", icon: "category-personal", active: true },
{ label: "Matka", href: "#", icon: "category-travel"},
{ label: "Henki", href: "#", icon: "category-life-insurance"},
{ label: "Eläimet", href: "#", icon: "category-pet"},
{ label: "Metsä", href: "#", icon: "category-forest"},
] },
{ label: "Talous", href: "#", items: [
{ label: "Raha", href: "#", icon: "category-business" },
{ label: "Varallisuus", href: "#", icon: "category-wealth" },
] },
{ label: "Tietoa meistä", href: "#", items: [
{ label: "LähiTapiola", href: "#", icon: "category-union" },
{ label: "Vauraus", href: "#", icon: "category-legal-liability" },
] },
{ label: "Asiakaspalvelu", href: "#", items: [
{ label: "Ota yhteyttä", href: "#", icon: "category-liability-damage" },
{ label: "Lupauksemme", href: "#", icon: "category-motor-boat" },
] },
] },
{ label: "Yritysasiakkaat", href: "#"}
// Set the language menu items
header.languageItems = [
{ label: "Suomeksi", country: "fi", href: "/?lang=fi" },
{ label: "På Svenska", country: "sv", href: "/?lang=sv" },
{ label: "In English", country: "en", href: "/?lang=en" },
// Set label and href for session link
header.session = {
label: "Kirjaudu",
href: "/?login",
type: "login",
header.search = {
label: "Hae",
href: "/?hae",
// Listen for language selection events
header.addEventListener("duetLanguageSelect", function (e) {
console.log("Language selection detected in nav:", e.detail)
// Set document language correctly when changing language
document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", e.detail.data.country)
// Listen for language selection events
header.addEventListener("duetSessionClick", function (e) {
console.log("Session click detected in nav:", e.detail)
Properties #
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
accessibleI18nLabels | -- | Adds i18n translations of all internally used textStrings | I18nText | getLocaleString( this.accessibleI18nLabelsDefaults ) |
accessibleI18nLabelsDefaults | accessible-labels-default | Default strings for accessibleI18nLabels | string | { fi: I18nText; en: I18nText; sv: I18nText; } | { fi: { skipLabel: "Siirry pääsisältöön", changeLanguage: "Vaihda kieltä", activeLanguage: "Suomi valittuna", }, sv: { skipLabel: "Gå till huvudinnehåll", changeLanguage: "Ändra Språk", activeLanguage: "Svenska valt", }, en: { skipLabel: "Skip to main content", changeLanguage: "Change language", activeLanguage: "English selected", }, } |
accessibleLabel | accessible-label | Accessible label that is shown for screen reader users in the mobile navigation toggle. Not visible for normal users. | string | getLocaleString(this.accessibleLabelDefaults) |
accessibleLabelDefaults | accessible-label-default | Property to change accessibleLabel defaults on the component. normally you would handle these strings on an application level and override accessibleLabel when needed | DuetLangObject | string | { fi: "Valikko", sv: "Meny", en: "Menu", } |
accessibleLabelExternal | accessible-label-external | Adds accessible label for tooltip that is shown in external link (url & external have both been set) | string | getLocaleString(this.accessibleLabelExternalDefaults) |
accessibleLabelExternalDefaults | accessible-label-external-default | Property to change accessibleLabelExternal defaults on the component. normally you would handle these strings on an application level and override accessibleLabelExternal when needed | DuetLangObject | string | DuetStringsExternalDefaults |
back | back | An object that includes mandatory "label" and "href" fields for the back link. Additionally, you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element. If nothing is passed, back link won’t be shown. NOTE: The back link should be ONLY used in combination with language and logoHref props. | any | undefined |
contact | contact | Label of the contact menu. If empty, contact menu will be hidden. Note: not available in multilevel headers. | string | "" |
contactItems | contact-items | An array of items for the contact menu. "label" and "href" are mandatory. Additionally, you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element, and pass an "external" flag if the link is to open in a new window. | any | undefined |
currentHref | current-href | The href of the current page item that is shown as “active”. Note: not available in multilevel headers. | string | "/" |
items | items | An array of items for the main navigation. Items have to include mandatory "label" and "href" fields to work. Additionally, you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element, "active" boolean that makes item active, "badge" boolean to add notification badge next to the item and "items" array consisting of sub items that are allowed up to three levels. Two and three level menus are deprecated and you should instead use Nav component to create multilevel navigations. | any | undefined |
language | language | [DEPRECATED] this is now handled via the html lang tag, and is no longer used - kept to avoid breaking changes and ease unit testing The currently active language. This setting also changes the logo to match the chosen language. | "en" | "fi" | "sv" | getLanguage() |
languageItems | language-items | An array of items for the language menu. If empty, the language menu will be hidden. "label", "country" and "href" are mandatory. Additionally you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element. | any | undefined |
logoHref | logo-href | URL that the logo link points to. | string | "/" |
region | region | Region that is shown next to the logo. If empty, region will be hidden. Note: not available in multilevel header. | string | "" |
search | search | An object that includes mandatory "label" and "href" fields for the search link. Additionally, you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element. If nothing is passed, this link won’t be shown. | any | undefined |
session | session | An object that includes mandatory "label", "href" and "type" fields for the session login/logout link. Additionally, you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element. If nothing is passed, this link won’t be shown. | any | undefined |
skipToId | skip-to-id | The ID of the element where "skip to content" link should take the user. If empty, the functionality won’t be rendered in the DOM. | string | "" |
theme | theme | Theme of the header. | "" | "default" | "turva" | "" |
user | user | An object that includes mandatory "label" and "href" fields for the user profile link. Additionally, you can pass an "id" that is added as an HTML identifier for the element. If nothing is passed, user won’t be shown. Note: not available in multilevel headers. | any | undefined |
Events #
Event | Description | Type |
duetAnalytics | Event raised when an items with an associated analytics ID is clicked. Analytics ID can be accessed via event.detail.analyticsId | CustomEvent<{ analyticsId: string; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetBackClick | Event raised when a user has clicked the back button. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetChange | [DEPRECATED] in favour of more specific events like duetLogoClick. Callback for when a user is about to navigate to another page. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetContactClick | Event raised when a user has clicked an option from the contact dropdown. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetEvent | General event stream for the following events: item: onMouseEnter, onTouchDown; menuItem: onMouseEnter, onTouchDown;. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetItemClick | Event raised when a user has clicked a menu item. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetLanguageSelect | Event raised when a user has selected a language from the language dropdown. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetLogoClick | Event raised when a user has clicked the logo. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetMobileNavToggle | Event raised mobile navigation is toggled. event.detail.open shows the current status of the navigation. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; open: boolean; }> |
duetSearchClick | Event for when a user has clicked the search link. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetSessionClick | Event for when a user has clicked the session link. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetSkipClick | Event raised when a user has clicked the "skip to content" button. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
duetUserClick | Event raised when a user has clicked the user link. You can prevent the default browser functionality by calling event.detail.originalEvent.preventDefault() inside your listener. Additionally, the passed data is available via event.detail.data. | CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: Event; data: DuetHeaderItem | DuetHeaderLanguageItem | DuetHeaderSession; component: "duet-header"; }> |
Methods #
closeMenus(moveFocusToButton?: boolean) => Promise<void>
Closes all dropdown menus in header when called.
Parameters #
Name | Type | Description |
moveFocusToButton | boolean |
Returns #
Type: Promise<void>
setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>
Sets focus on the specified duet-header
. Use this method instead of the global
Parameters #
Name | Type | Description |
options | FocusOptions |
Returns #
Type: Promise<void>
Slots #
Slot | Description |
"logo-utility" | A slot to place elements alongside the logo. This takes precedence over the region prop. Note: not available in multilevel header. |
"utility" | A slot for utilities, such as a notification drawer or shopping basket. |
Shadow Parts #
Part | Description |
"header" | piercing selector for styling the header element. |
Usage #
This section includes guidelines for designers and developers about the usage of this component in different contexts.
When to use #
- Header is used to display the logo, primary navigation and utility menus.
- Always visible at the top of the interface.
When not to use #
- Inside HTML header element as Duet Header already uses it internally.
Accessibility #
This component has been validated to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility guidelines. You can find additional information regarding accessibility of this component below.
- Header uses HTML
element internally which is an HTML sectioning element that by default defines ARIA landmark with rolebanner
. - Because of the above reason, header should never be wrapped inside another
element. - Header has a “skip to content” functionality which should be always utilized when the main navigation is visible. Use
property to pass the ID of the element where the skip link should take the user. accessibleLabel
property can be used to change the accessible label that is shown for users of assistive technology in the mobile navigation toggle.- Each dropdown toggle button in the header uses
in addition toaria-controls
attributes to convey the expand and collapse functionality to assistive technologies. - The dropdown menu use
. This makes sure the menu items are correctly announced by assistive technologies. - When a language is chosen from a dropdown menu, the accessible name of the language menu toggle button is updated to include the selected language.
- The dropdown menus provide hotkeys for changing and choosing an item from the menu.
- On Windows/Firefox/NVDA platform the first skip-to-id link is sometimes missed and the focus on tab press goes to the logo.
Keyboard support #
Dropdown toggle button #
Space, Enter
: Opens the dropdown menu and moves focus to the first dropdown menu item.
Dropdown menu #
: Closes the dropdown menu and moves focus back to the “dropdown toggle” button.Tab
: Moves focus to the next element in the menu.Shift + Tab
: Same as above, but in reverse order.Arrow up
: Moves focus to the previous menu item.Arrow down
: Moves focus to the next menu item.Arrow right
: Moves focus to the next menu item.Arrow left
: Moves focus to the previous menu item.
Dropdown menu item #
Space, Enter
: Does selection, closes the dropdown menu and moves focus to “dropdown toggle” button.
Additional considerations #
- If the service is public and does not require logging in, clicking the logo in the header takes the user to the frontpage of lahitapiola.fi or turva.fi.
- If the service requires signing in (self portal), the logo in the header takes the user to the home view of that specific service.
- In case the user is in the of middle purchase or similar flow, clicking the logo should show a warning modal asking whether the user actually wants to leave the page as the data already entered will be lost. View an example.
- “Log out” action in the header should always log out the user immediately and redirect to a “login page” or similar.
For integration, event and theming guidelines, please see Using Components. This documentation explains how to implement and use Duet’s components across different technologies like Angular, React or Vanilla JavaScript.
Follow these practical tutorials to learn how to build simple page layouts using Duet’s CSS Framework, Web Components and other features:
Building Layouts
TutorialsUsing CLI Tools
TutorialsCreating Custom Patterns
TutorialsServer Side Rendering
TutorialsSharing Prototypes
TutorialsUsage With Markdown
If you experience any issues while using a component, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and help.